

  • 1. Effective Relief and Enhancement: From managing discomfort to boosting mood and alertness, kratom offers a range of benefits.
  • 2. Natural Origins: Sourced directly from the Mitragyna speciosa tree, ensuring authenticity and purity.
  • 3. Variety of Strains: Choose from red, green, and white veins to match your wellness goals.
  • 4. Sub-strains for Tailored Benefits: Each sub-strain provides unique effects, allowing for personalized wellness experiences.
  • 5. Selection Made Simple: Users can easily select strains based on their specific needs, making kratom accessible to beginners and experienced users alike.

How Kratom Strains Are Made?

Kratom strains are produced naturally by carefully cultivating and harvesting leaves from the Mitragyna speciosa tree. The strains are categorized into red, green, and white based on the maturity of the leaves and their exposure to sunlight. These factors influence the alkaloid composition of the leaves. The distinct properties of each strain arise from variations in drying time and conditions during the meticulous drying process of the leaves.

Types Of Kratom Strains

There are several different kratom strains. First, there are strains and then sub-strainers. But there are 3 main strains:

Red Strain
Red kratom strain is a popular choice for relaxation and stress relief. There are many types of red kratom, each with unique properties. For example, Red Bali offers relaxation and mild energy, Red Maeng Da is energizing, and Red Borneo is soothing. Whether you suffer from chronic pain or want to feel calm, red kratom might have options to suit your needs.

Green Strain
Green kratom is known for its proportional effects, offering a middle ground between relaxation and energy. Various types of green kratom cater to different preferences. For example, Green Maeng Da is used for its potent energy boost and cognitive enhancement, Green Malay for its long-lasting effects and mental clarity, and Green Sumatra for its harmonious blend of relaxation and mild stimulation.

White Strain
White kratom is known for its invigorating and energizing qualities. Different types of white strains are used for different specific needs. For example, White Maeng Da is used to stimulate and provide focus. White Borneo offers balanced attributes. White Sumatra enhances mood and energy. With its diverse types, white kratom is a versatile option for mood and cognitive performance.

Top-Selling Kratom Strains

Among all the kratom strains in the market, these 3 are the ones that users consume the most, and here are the reasons why :

Elite Green Vein Maeng Da Kratom Powder
Elite Green Maeng Da Kratom Powder of Happy Hippo is a highly-rated kratom product known for its exceptional quality and purity. Their vegetarian capsules excel in every aspect, making Happy Hippo a trusted and premium brand.

Super Green Malaysian Kratom Powder
Super Green Malaysian Kratom Powder is a popular variant known for its unique and alkaloid-rich profile. The strain is produced in small batches, ensuring consistent quality, finely powdered and carefully packaged. Overall, it offers an extraordinary experience for its users.

Mit45 Red Vein Capsules
MIT 45 Red Vein Capsules are considered one of the best kratom strains because of their potent and well-balanced effects. These capsules are made up of 100% red vein kratom, which provides a rich and relaxing kratom experience to the user.

After reviewing information on various kratom strains, if you're interested in incorporating kratom's benefits into your daily routine, visit Whatiskratom.


Can I Mix Different Kratom Strains?
Yes, you can mix different kratom strains to create a personalized blend, combining desired effects. Experimenting with various combinations allows users to tailor their experience, but starting with small doses is advisable to gauge individual tolerance and impact.

Do Kratom Strains Have Different Durations Of Effects?
Different kratom strains have varying durations, which depend on the person. For energy, the White Vein may last 2-4 hours, the Green Vein lasts 3-5 hours, and the Red Vein may last 4-6 hours for relaxation.

How Long Does It Take For Kratom Strains To Take Effect?
Depending on the strain and individual factors, onset time may vary from 15 to 45 minutes.

Can I Build Tolerance To Specific Kratom Strains?
If you repeatedly use the same strain, your body may become less responsive to its effects. To avoid this, it's recommended to switch to different strains periodically.

How Do I Choose The Right Kratom Strain For Me?
Match the effects you desire, such as relaxation or energy, with the properties of red, green, or white strains, or you can also take the doctor's recommendation.